This is a guide on the Warning System. Please read this guide if you do not understand the warning system.
Ok, so did you notice this green bar that is in your profile and under your name when you post?
This is the warning bar, and it shows your warning level. The lower the level, the closer you are to being banned. For example, the warning bar can change from full to this.
This means that you have broken a rule on the forum. You will receive reminders before we actually lower your level, so please don't be concerned about things like accidently posting in the wrong section. You will receive reminders before your warning level is actually lowered, and we understand if you posted in the wrong section by accident.
Here are all the warning levels:
When your warning level reaches the banned level, you will be banned from posting etc. for one week. After one week, your warning level will go up to the red again, as long as you don't break any rules. Then, for every three days you don't break any rules, your warning level will keep going up until it is green again.
Users who constantly and purposefully spam topics with innapropriate images or other such things will be banned permanently.
So, that's the warning system. Thanks for reading,